
About HSC
2025 TRIPS:
La Plagne
Trip Policies
Prior Trip Reports
Executive Committee

Stowe, Vermont

Date: Jan 13-16, 2012
Trip Leader: David Macauley
Trip Assistant: Eric Oberer

The Holmdel Ski Club trip to Stowe January 13th through the 16th 2012 was remembered as cold but wonderful ski conditions. The rise was quite pleasant in a brand new bus complete WIFI service. The road conditions were icy in Vermont but our driver demonstrated extreme skill getting us to the hotel with plenty to relax. 

We stayed in the Commodores Inn which is just south of the town on 100. A very clean hotel with an accommodating staff.  There were 3 hot tubs in the hotel – two in the exercise area and one by the indoor pool.  The rooms were spacious.  The cleaning and maintenance staff were pleasant.

Saturday was very cold but that fresh snow after so little snow was heavenly. For those who went on the 8AM bus to the mountain we were greeted with no lines at the quad on Mt Mansfield and a reasonable amount of powder on the blue trails.  All of the lifts were open and only a few of the advanced trails were closed

All of the services for children and families, were located at Spruce Peak.  Stowe has built a large lodge condo complex at Spruce Peak including a large day lodge that was well though out.  There is now a gondola that connects Mt Mansfield with Spruce Peak.  That inter-mountain gondola is right by the gondola that reaches the top of Mt Mansfield. This made transferring from one mountain to the other fairly easy.

Saturday night we held a reception in the common lounger which really works out well.  Were quite comfortable in the couches in front of  the fireplace. We bought h’orderves from the hotel – chicken nuggets, crackers, cheeses and meats.  There was nothing left at the end of the reception.  Everyone must have had a good time.

The hotel dinning facilities were quite busy on Saturday night.  The hotel still accommodated us with full dinners in the pub at 8PM.  Most of our group seemed to prefer top stay in that night, although there was an intrepid group that went out for dinner.

On Sunday it was bitter cold – sub zero at the base and much colder at the top of the mountain – ah true Tremblant weather – waite a minute we are still in Vermont.  There were fewer that went to the mountain at 8AM.  There were many warming trips to the lodges.  The blues were all groomed, but the wind was blowing.  The triple at Mansfield provided more shelter.  Skiing at Spuce Peak was wonderful also. Our beginners – we only had one was doing exceptionally well on Spruce Peak.

One Sunday night a few more folks ventured out for dinner, although again most folks seemed to stay in the hotel.  The sub zero weather may have had something to do with that.

7 hearty individuals skied on Monday and proclaimed it the best skiing of the weekend.  It was still cold in the morning but the wind was not bad and it was sunny.  At least two folks went cross country skiing and had a wonderful time.  Many of the rest took a tour of the Ben and Jerry’s factory which is just down the road on 100.  We used the bus to get to B&J.

Promptly at 2PM we left the Commodores and headed south.  There was no traffic or weather conditions for our ride home. 


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