
About HSC
2025 TRIPS:
La Plagne
Trip Policies
Prior Trip Reports
Executive Committee

Sugarloaf, Maine

Date: January 14-17, 2011
Trip Leader:
Laura Gugliotta
Trip Assistant: Steven Krapes

The Sugarloaf trip began at the Telcordia parking lot in Piscataway on Friday with 34 participants.  The bus was loaded and by approximately 1pm we were on our way.  Soon after departure, we handed out drinks and snacks.  The healthy food (fruit and nuts) went quickly.    We hit commuter traffic northwest of Boston, but otherwise a smooth trip.   One quick pee break and a fast-food dinner in Kennebunk Maine and then we were back on the road. 

About 90 minutes shy of Sugarloaf the bus suffered a fatal mechanical issue.    We watched a movie as another bus drove down from Sugarloaf to pick us up.  Always the adventure with HSC.   Even though we arrived at the Sugarloaf Mountain Hotel around 2am, the front desk was ready for us with the room packets, which included the lift tickets.  The group quickly unloaded and went to bed.

The Sugarloaf Mountain Hotel provided upscale accommodations that were quite elegant.  Flat screen TV, DVD player, mini-fridge, coffee maker, and sink.  The Hotel was a mere 50 feet from the Village and a few more feet to the lifts.   We all felt quite spoiled and enjoyed every minute.    The Hotel had 2 hot tubs, steam room, and dry sauna;  a nice relaxing moment after a long day of skiing.  There was also an awesome deli (Delli's) on the village road, perhaps 100 feet from the hotel.  For breakfast, the Club had a private room with a hot buffet, which provided a good opportunity for members to plan their day with others.    

The first day of skiing was a crystal clear beautiful day with temps in the low 20's.   The mountain runs were about 80% open with snowmaking on the upper runs.   Our Club members were the only ones to show up for the morning mountain tour.   The snow conditions on the groomed runs were excellent.   The only lift with lines was the Superquad, all others were ski to chair - awesome.  

The Club hosted a welcome reception Saturday evening in Laura and Steve's room.  Cheese and crackers, lox, chips and dip, beer, wine, and soda were served.    The evening served as a review of the days activities with dubious stories and tall tales.   

Sunday was another perfect ski day, but with a west wind.  Temperatures were in the mid 20's.  It snowed about 4" the night before so we were finding pockets of deeper snow drifts.   Not enough to go into the trees too far, but enough to have a blast near the edge of the trail where the wind was blocked by the trees.   Many members enjoyed lunch was at the famous Bag N Kettle, for the awesome burgers.

By Sunday night everyone was deep into the relaxed weekend spirit.   Many of us had dinner and drinks at the Shiypard Brewhaus. 

Sunday night the snow started falling again and another 3" of fresh powder greeted the early risers.    Since our hotel was so close to the lifts, it was easy to be there when the lifts opened to make first tracks.   Most folks wanted to be back at the hotel by 11:30am so we had about 3 hours of skiing.   King Pine, on the east side, got blanketed with both fresh and man-made powder.  With absolutely no lines, 3 hours was plenty to tire out the most avid skier.   What a perfect way to end the ski weekend.

The Club members stormed the local deli for the most awesome tasting sandwiches and then loaded their bags on the bus. 

The bus trip home was quiet since most people were tired and were fading into sleep.  We enjoyed some more movies, snacks and stopped at the Charlton Massachusetts service plaza dinner.  Zero traffic allowed us arrive in Piscataway at 11:00pm. 

Laura and Steve would like to thank everyone for being such a great group and making it a memorable trip for all.


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