
About HSC
2025 TRIPS:
La Plagne
Trip Policies
Prior Trip Reports
Executive Committee

Vail, Colorado

Date: March 13-20, 2016
Trip Leader: John Kelly
Trip Assistant: Len Szymanski

What a week! The start on Sunday, 3/13, was a precursor to what was to come.  Everyone arrived in Piscataway early.  Luxe Limo was also early so we pushed off for Newark Airport.  With little traffic, we arrived in short order.

The Southwest check-in had no one in line.  All that they required was photo ID and within 20 minutes the first ten people were off the bus and checked in for their flight.  The rest of the group also were pleasantly surprised at the ease of check-in.  The flight took off a half hour early and arrived in Denver early.  There we met other members flying from Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida.  We now had a group of 30.

After collecting all the baggage, we headed off to the bus.  Arriving at the Evergreen Lodge in good time, we checked in and the bags were brought to our rooms by the hotel staff. Time to relax and settle in to a week of nice powder.  Breakfast in the hotel gave everyone a chance to renew friendships.  Monday night the club hosted a wine and cheese reception and a Vail representative made suggestions and answered questions.

Every day brought new snow totals – 9 inches, 4 inches, 5 inches, 8 inches and 5 inches – so there was fresh powder every day.  From the endless bowls to the front side, there was supreme skiing and short lift lines.  It was a tough job but someone had to do it!

The trip leaders hosted après ski get-togethers in their room several nights, giving everyone an opportunity to relive the day’s victories.  Then it was off to one of the many restaurants for dinner.  Or we could stay in the Evergreen and eat at the Altitude Bar & Grill or at the new Nepali/Indian restaurant.

Alas, all good things come to an end.  Late to sleep and early to rise was the order of the day on Sunday.  After loading the bus at 5:30am, it was off to the Denver Airport.  Southwest again came thru at check-in and finally we were heading back to Newark.

After picking up the baggage, hands were shaken, hugs given and "see you next time" were the words of the day.  Luxe Limo was on time and we headed off to Piscataway. Back in Piscataway again, we loaded our cars and said our goodbyes.

John and Len would like to thank all the club members for a great week.


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